Bored? One of the best investment of time and effort in Evony is to conquer valleys and fill up your valley slots (number of valley slots = town hall level). Having the proper valleys for your Evony city will give your resource production a major boost.
TIP #1 If your valley slots are full - consider upgrading (more resources for you in the long run). If your valley slots are full and already upgraded - you might consider attacking valleys for extra resources. Remember that valley resources regenerate after 1 hour if attacked successfully but not conquered; Valley resources regenerate instantly if the valley was conquered then abandon immediately.
TIP #2 Here's a tried-n-true formula for attacking of valleys:
Valleys/Flats level 1 = 50 archers (no loss)
Valleys/Flats level 2 = 100 archers (no loss)
Valleys/Flats level 3 = 200 archers (no loss), or 30 scouts and 70 archers (no loss)
Valley levels indicate the type of troops it can have - look at your barrack levels as a guide. Since barracks at level 4 can now train archers, expect valley level 4 to have archers as a defensive troop possibility. If you plan to conquer or attack a valley level 4, expect losses since defensive archers are ranged troops that can effectively kill at a distance.
TIP #3 Upgrade directly to any valley level 10. I usually skip conquering valleys directly to level 10. Why? Because the quest will give you the credits and rewards of conquering valley 1 thru 9, once you get a valley level 10.
TIP #4 What does it take to conquer a valley level 10? Patience, luck and the following troop composition: 30k archers, 1 worker, 1 warrior, 1 scout, 1 pikesmen, and 1 swordsmen (SIDE NOTE: sometimes you'll hear people call this a 30k archbow - a rainbow of troops with archers as majority)
So if you dont have these troop numbers - that should now be your goal.
You should conquer any valley level 10 ONLY if that valley contains melee-type troops to minimize troop loss. What are melee-type troops? These would be warriors, pikesmen and swordsmen. FIRST - you scout the level 10 valley to get the troop composition. If you find the valley to have any cavalry or archers - skip it for now. Scout your the next level 10 valley.
If you find a valley level 10 with a melee-type troop composition - attack using the troop composition I gave earlier - and you will probably only lose 1 pikesmen, 1 warrior and/or 1 swordsmen.
TIP #5 If you find any valley with only archers, you may attack them with same number of cavalry plus 1 scout, and you will probably lose 1 scout.
For example: Valley has 5k archers, send 5k cavalry and 1 scout, only your scout will die.
TIP #6 If you find any valley with cavalry (other troop types, except archers, are also acceptable), send 1 ballista, 30k archers, 1 swordsman and 1 pikeman. The ballista will slow down the army long enough to kill while suffering small casualties.
TIP #7 If you have 50k warriors to play with - you can use 50k warriors to attack any valley level 10 even without scouting. You will conquer the valley/flat level 10 but suffering casualties.
TIP #2 Here's a tried-n-true formula for attacking of valleys:
Valleys/Flats level 1 = 50 archers (no loss)
Valleys/Flats level 2 = 100 archers (no loss)
Valleys/Flats level 3 = 200 archers (no loss), or 30 scouts and 70 archers (no loss)
Valley levels indicate the type of troops it can have - look at your barrack levels as a guide. Since barracks at level 4 can now train archers, expect valley level 4 to have archers as a defensive troop possibility. If you plan to conquer or attack a valley level 4, expect losses since defensive archers are ranged troops that can effectively kill at a distance.
TIP #3 Upgrade directly to any valley level 10. I usually skip conquering valleys directly to level 10. Why? Because the quest will give you the credits and rewards of conquering valley 1 thru 9, once you get a valley level 10.
TIP #4 What does it take to conquer a valley level 10? Patience, luck and the following troop composition: 30k archers, 1 worker, 1 warrior, 1 scout, 1 pikesmen, and 1 swordsmen (SIDE NOTE: sometimes you'll hear people call this a 30k archbow - a rainbow of troops with archers as majority)
So if you dont have these troop numbers - that should now be your goal.
You should conquer any valley level 10 ONLY if that valley contains melee-type troops to minimize troop loss. What are melee-type troops? These would be warriors, pikesmen and swordsmen. FIRST - you scout the level 10 valley to get the troop composition. If you find the valley to have any cavalry or archers - skip it for now. Scout your the next level 10 valley.
If you find a valley level 10 with a melee-type troop composition - attack using the troop composition I gave earlier - and you will probably only lose 1 pikesmen, 1 warrior and/or 1 swordsmen.
TIP #5 If you find any valley with only archers, you may attack them with same number of cavalry plus 1 scout, and you will probably lose 1 scout.
For example: Valley has 5k archers, send 5k cavalry and 1 scout, only your scout will die.
TIP #6 If you find any valley with cavalry (other troop types, except archers, are also acceptable), send 1 ballista, 30k archers, 1 swordsman and 1 pikeman. The ballista will slow down the army long enough to kill while suffering small casualties.
TIP #7 If you have 50k warriors to play with - you can use 50k warriors to attack any valley level 10 even without scouting. You will conquer the valley/flat level 10 but suffering casualties.
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